Look at the below list to see all icons you can use in all sizes and colors and know their names.
Text Editor Icons
- file
- file-alt
- cut
- copy
- paste
- save
- undo
- repeat
- text-height
- text-width
- align-left
- align-center
- align-right
- align-justify
- indent-left
- indent-right
- font
- bold
- italic
- strikethrough
- underline
- link
- paper-clip
- columns
- table
- th-large
- th
- th-list
- list
- list-ol
- list-ul
- list-alt
Directional Icons
- angle-left
- angle-right
- angle-up
- angle-down
- arrow-down
- arrow-left
- arrow-right
- arrow-up
- caret-down
- caret-left
- caret-right
- caret-up
- chevron-down
- chevron-left
- chevron-right
- chevron-up
- circle-arrow-down
- circle-arrow-left
- circle-arrow-right
- circle-arrow-up
- double-angle-left
- double-angle-right
- double-angle-up
- double-angle-down
- hand-down
- hand-left
- hand-right
- hand-up
- circle
- circle-blank
Video Player Icons
- play-circle
- play
- pause
- stop
- step-backward
- fast-backward
- backward
- forward
- fast-forward
- step-forward
- eject
- fullscreen
- resize-full
- resize-small
Social Icons
- phone
- phone-sign
- facebook
- facebook-sign
- twitter
- twitter-sign
- github
- github-alt
- github-sign
- linkedin
- linkedin-sign
- pinterest
- pinterest-sign
- google-plus
- google-plus-sign
- sign-blank